Rcon Tool Download

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Rusty Rcon Tool Download

Rcon client download

Rcon Tool Download

FeaturesRconRcon Premium
Hosted on rustadmin.com
RustAdmin Online is hosted on rustadmin.com which means that it is always running and connected to your server at any time without you having to keep your computer powered up. RustAdmin Client has to be installed on your own computer.
Compatible smartphone/tablet
RustAdmin Online is accessible via your web browser, smartphone or tablet. RustAdmin Client is only accessible from your own computer.
24/7 connection to your rust server
RustAdmin Online is always connected to your rust server (as long as your server is up and running of course). It means that all events occuring on the server are recorded and your players are under administration 24/7. RustAdmin Client may also be full time connected but you have to keep your computer powered up.
Advanced players informations
Both RustAdmin Online and RustAdmin Client gather and provide you advanced informations about your players such as : SteamID, country flag, number of VAC bans, number of steam game bans, number of RustAdmin bans, family shared account, hours on record, ping, IP...
Statistics recording
Both RustAdmin Online and RustAdmin Client record events occuring on your server such as : players death (pvp and pve), server (dis)connection, number of players online, players and console messages...
Moderators concept
RustAdmin Online has a moderator concept. You can add moderators to your server and allowing them to access RustAdmin Online without having to give them your RCON password. Moderators have restricted powers preventing them from breaking your server.
Rust legacy compatible
Both RustAdmin Online and RustAdmin Client record events occuring on your server such as : players death (pvp and pve), server (dis)connection, number of players online, players and console messages...
Price 10€/month15€/month
Number of licenses 1up to 6